Hey ! ! My names are Yuso / Zakaria / Misha / Blewo andd pronouns She / He , this is my simple carrd where u can know more things abt me :D
Things about me ! !
As I said , my name is Yuso and bla bla bla . . .
Argentinian but I came to live in Bolivia
I talk spanish rly and im not the best on the english bwahah
I mostly draw , listen to music or talk in chat ( not always liking calls or something related )
Im usually a calm and positive person , always i can enjoy making friends !!
And well i think heres the place to tell it so , i'm a normal and NSFW artist , i can draw sex and such or gore too .
So , daily I draw things , always using Ibispaint X bc im lazy to learn how to draw in PC .
I like other things related to art , like sculpt , color , crafts and suchlike .
Andd other of the things i do daily are— Listen to music .
— Watch videos ( mostly youtubers of my language )
— Talk to friends Wattpad and Discord .Andd in the weekends i can— Play games .
— Watch a movie .
— Do a call .
— Talk more ( sure if im not lazy to respond ) .
— Stay awake to late , likee 5 AM ( I have EST time ) .
Anddd i dont have more to put here XDD
DNI if
— You dont respect and make fun of persons and their interests + sexualities , genders and such ( if its not in joke )
— Youre a weirdo and like things like :
bestiality , pedophilia, necrophilia and suchlike
And if u do those things irl , rly , keep away from me
— You have a rly aggresive personality or humor .
— You have anxious attachment
— You usually do romantic or sex jokes .
— Youre 25 ↑↑ .
— Youre a BNHA fan .
And if you hate NSFW artists , i am one ( u decide ) .
Interests !!
Hey !! For now i like :
— Tf2 ( the game and others ) and some of Total Drama Island , Piggy , Snk and Shed 17 + Project-G1 .
— Watch Thomas & Friends .
— Play roblox , Yandere Simulator and some mobile games .
↑ And make maps on roblox ( mostly build , i want to learn how to do scripts , and more , practically learn to program ) .
— Make OCs , extense storys or lores ( bc sometimes I have a big imagination............... ) and animate things .Thats all i think , now , things I dont like :
— Bluey and fans of that series .
— Onions .
— Edits and humor of 2020 .
— Gacha .
— Too much of the color black .I think thats all , how long XDD